this is just a essay i wrote on for school hw......
its not perfect but i hope it inspires you..... :)
Imagine how it would be if the whole world was a desert where our world is inhabitable for living things. If we don't start doing something right now it might be too late to save our earth and save ourselves!
Global warming known as Greenhouse effect, is the gradual increase of the earth's average temperature. The Greenhouse effect is affecting our daily life. When all the industries release huge amount of carbon oxide and many harmful gases, they forms extra useless layer of atmosphere. Usually a sun light bounces off the earth but because of the extra layer atmosphere the heat is trapped inside the earth and it causes the temperature all around the world to increase, like greenhouse. Because of the greenhouse effect, the Arctic ice is melting, which caused the sea levels to rise and Arctic shrinkage (the marked decrease in Arctic sea ice). Many living things that were found near Arctic sea are disappearing from our world because of Arctic shrinkage. Good or bad, every little thing adds up to be big; everything you do every day is contributing to global warming, which is making it worse. For example when you go to market, your school or anywhere in a car you are polluting the air by releasing harmful gases. Of course a car ride won't affect the whole world but everything adds up to be huge thing.
Many People steel believe that global warming is manmade concept that is not true. But, How can you say that when the environment around us is changing every day. We all have seen all the worse changes around us, For example we all have noticed all the sudden unpredictable climate changes around the world or the recent hurricane that accrued near gulf of Mexico, which was stronger than before (all the heat and the pollution is releasing carbon oxides on the air which makes tornados and hurricanes stronger.) and all the rising of the sea levels. People believe that it's all natural cycle but, I disagree. There are many proves and records that shows the sudden increase of the temperature and climate changes. There are some natural climate changes but never huge ones like current changes. Other people also believe that it's a god's doing and there is nothing we can do but I disagree again. I think it's our doing and I think there is steel some time to correct our (ancestors) mistakes. No one is going to save you from your mistakes the only person who can save you is yourself.
If you start to do little things everyday to help prevent global warming or save the nature, you are on your way to save the whole world, A building is not made by a single brick it is made by many little ones, if everyone does a little of something it would be a huge help towards saving the earth. I don't think we can take a risk by waiting for god to save us or the natural cycle to be back to normal, it is a dangerous decision to make. So I think we all should keep all the difference a side and start to save the earth. No matter what road you are walking they all end at the same point, in the global warming arguments.

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